Your community is crucial to your business
Maintaining and growing a healthy community requires good leadership, care, and experience; especially during times of change or when a community is rapidly growing. Having enough staff to manage and moderate the community can be a challenging task and if mishandled will result in drama and toxicity that destroys the very foundation you depend on. Leave the stress and the drama behind and let the professional team at Rill’s Corner take care of those needs for you.
How it works
Whether you are starting up a new server and need staff or you are looking to grow your current team, we can help. Experience has taught us that the best moderators come from within the community itself. But this often has a steep learning curve and leads to burnout. Or the wrong people get recruited who seemed like a good fit at the time and turn out to be toxic for the community in the long run.
Rill’s Corner has a new blended solution that will give you the experienced help you need now and loyalty for the long haul. We will temporarily bring in professional moderators to fill in wherever they are needed. While working for you and serving your community they will also be looking for those within your community who would make good moderators. We have a vigorous recruiting process to filter out those unsuited to the demands of a technical and leadership position. Once recruited and trained, the Rill’s Corner team will step back into a consulting role and let your new moderator team take the reins. It’s that simple.
No extra stress for you and a lot healthier for a growing community.